Thursday, August 4, 2011

Children's Garden at the Library update-8/3/11

The Children's garden also took a hit from the hail storm, and lots of tomatoes got knocked down along with damage to some of the leaf vegetables.  Nothing devastating, though, fortunately!

Kathy Barter and the Children's Kitchen Garden at the Library

Kathy Barter has been doing a wonderful job with the Children's Garden at the Library, and here are a few photos taken Tuesday 8/2 with some of her helpers.

update from the Hanley Gardens!

Hi to all!  Lots of stuff growing well in the garden, tomatoes finally starting to appear.  Here are two photos taken Tuesday 8/2.  Unfortuantely, we also were hit with the hailstorm on Wednesday and it basically smashed our sunflowers.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Touchstone 29jul2011

It's been awhile since we posted, but we've been so busy harvesting!!  We've gone through our first rounds of snap peas (outstanding!) Merlot and Forstellen Schloss lettuce, radishes, beets, onions, bush string beans, swiss chard, spinach--great year so far!  Our first tomatoes appeared this week, and Kentucky wonders are close.  Hope there is something left to show 3 weeks from now!  Our granddaughter, who loves to garden arrived from Texas last week and has enjoyed picking and replanting.  See you on the 17th of August!
     --the Singers

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New Lambs

I know this has nothing to do with gardens but I would like to introduce the two new arrivals to Heavens Half Acre. Two rams were born to Ol'Thelma early this morning.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Heaven's Half Acre: Progress......

Here is a sneak peek of what is to come. The season has finally taken off. We are starting to see progress. Swiss chard, lettuce, onions, strawberries and one pepper have been harvested. The strawberries have been amazing. We have yet to have a year where they have been so prolific. When Jim came by for pictures he commented, "I know this is an oxymoron but you may have to many strawberries." Or something like that. Well, Jim, you may be right. My hands are stained pink from processing them into jams and frozen berries for winter.

Last night for dinner we had roast duck from one of the drakes I harvested Sunday, swiss chard sauteed in butter, bacon fat, green onions and garlic and roasted potatoes. It doesn't get fresher than your front yard.

I did notice that something beside the humans were eating the cole crops. Time for the "Bug Juice". You take one bulb, yes the whole bulb, not clove, of garlic, one onion and the hottest pepper you can find. I used 3 habaneros this time. Put them in the blender and puree. Add enough water to cover and blend again. Put this in a jar and let sit over night. Take 1 cup and put in sprayer and add water. Spray all the plants. Not only will it repel and take care of the bugs but your garden will smell like my Italian Grandmother's kitchen.

Off to do more weeding.......